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Debra Ann Afarian (DA) is CPS Certified using Collaborative Problem Solving®(CPS), since 2003. She founded HBCC in 2013 after learning and sharing the approach through her Parent Support Group of the same name. She has certifications in both ADHD and CPS and what contributes to challenging behaviors. She was the Greater Orange County CHAD
Debra Ann Afarian (DA) is CPS Certified using Collaborative Problem Solving®(CPS), since 2003. She founded HBCC in 2013 after learning and sharing the approach through her Parent Support Group of the same name. She has certifications in both ADHD and CPS and what contributes to challenging behaviors. She was the Greater Orange County CHADD Coordinator from 2005 to 2020, passing the baton to her co-coordinator in order to give full-time dedication to HBCC.
The CPS approach is defined in the books:
CPS was originally written about in 1998 in the book, The Explosive Child, where it is now called Collaborative & Proactive Solutions(CPS/LITB).
Collaborative Problem Solving(CPS/TK) is owned and developed by Think:Kids, a Program in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital(MGH) in Boston. Those certified in CPS work independently of MGH and are under the direction and supervision of Dr. Stuart Ablon.
As the founder of the non-profit Helping the Behaviorally Challenging Child (HBCC), DA has made it her mission to make sure that adult/child power struggles are understood in a whole new way, to break the cycle of misunderstanding challenging, concerning and difficult-to-manage behaviors.
Married since 1989, DA is the parent of two sons, born February 1994 & November 1995.
Being that challenging child herself, DA has first-hand experience of how challenging behaviors are treated by most adults. She had a difficult childhood being treated like a wild mustang that wouldn't comply or cooperate and needed to be broken. She felt misunderstood and like she never got the memo on "how" to behave, and instead was punished brutally and consistently for years for behaviors that she now knows were "lagging skills." DA believes that ALL children should get the equity they deserve!
DA, with the support of her husband, knew that this was the passion she wanted to pursue, to be a change maker in how adults view challenging behavior like she exhibited as a child and young adult. After extensive trainings and personal successes, they founded HBCC together so she could share her experience, strength and hope with other parents. Helping many others work towards breaking that cycle of misunderstanding and mishandling challenging behaviors has been truly rewarding for both of them.
At first, DA took her journey in faith because neuroscience had little data back in 2002. She leaned into knowing that SHE was not just a bad kid, behaving badly in childhood -- she was trying harder than ever to "behave" and kept getting punished for not meeting expectations -- today there is data, evidence and neuroscience that backs up what she felt as a kid --- that there was much more going on and she struggled with executive function, flexibility, problem solving, communicating her thoughts and biggest of all, emotional regulation SKILLS.
DA's lived life experiences give her unique insight into behaviorally challenging children. She shares her story in the hope that, if you are also misunderstood or have a misunderstood child, you will know you are not alone. Finding your community can be helpful and give you a sense of belonging to maximize your family’s potential to meet the demands of life, school and work.
A special message from Debra Ann (DA):
“If sticker charts, rewards & punishments are not helping with low-frustration tolerance, flexibility, impulsivity, risk-taking behaviors and problem solving, you will want to explore this website more and take an HBCC class, join the Wednesday support group or attend a workshop! Collaborative Problem Solving helps ALL children, especially those frequent-flyers who are put on time-outs, don’t respond well to consequences, have a hard time earning rewards, seem unaffected by punishments, are frequently sent out of class, get detentions, suspensions, expulsions, restrictions, restraints, seclusion, self-medicate or are at-risk for out-of-home placement. The neurodiverse population NEEDS this approach, the neurotypical population appreciates this approach."
Stop chasing compliance and start building skills!"
Learn how to Regulate & Relate to then Reason.
~Bruce Perry, PhD
Outside of HBCC, DA enjoys hiking, gardening, reading, bike riding, off-roading, the mountains, camping, the ocean, boating, dancing & music, time with her dog, continued learning, friends, and mostly time with her family and faith.
Dr. Jolee Hibbard is a licensed clinical psychologist, an HBCC volunteer support group facilitator, and board member serving as secretary. She also volunteers with NAMI and is the mother of two teens. She first learned of the Collaborative Problem Solving model over 10 years ago when she attended a parent training class. Due to the posit
Dr. Jolee Hibbard is a licensed clinical psychologist, an HBCC volunteer support group facilitator, and board member serving as secretary. She also volunteers with NAMI and is the mother of two teens. She first learned of the Collaborative Problem Solving model over 10 years ago when she attended a parent training class. Due to the positive effects Dr. Hibbard saw in her own family, she began using this model with families in her psychology practice. Dr. Hibbard has a master's in clinical psychology from Pepperdine University and a Doctor of Psychology degree from Azusa Pacific University.
During her practicum training experience, she worked at UCI Medical Center, Child and Adolescent Outpatient Program conducting assessments and Pacific Clinic's Youth Intensive Outpatient program running groups for adolescents and parents. In her predoctoral training she worked at Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles with rotations in autism assessment and neuropsych assessment.
In her private practice, Dr. Hibbard works with adolescents, adults, and families utilizing assessment and evidence-based interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, family systems, and acceptance and commitment therapies, to assist clients in improving their lives.
Collaborative Problem Solving continues to provide positive results in all parts of her personal & work life.
Raffy Afarian is a Product Development Engineer with over 37 years' experience at Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from California State University at Los Angeles. Thirteen years later he went back to school and earned his Master's In Business Administration degree from Cali
Raffy Afarian is a Product Development Engineer with over 37 years' experience at Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from California State University at Los Angeles. Thirteen years later he went back to school and earned his Master's In Business Administration degree from California State University at Fullerton. These qualifications, along with his passion for a better world for ALL children, have motivated Raffy to create HBCC along with his wife, Debra Ann (DA), and support it 100% with his time and efforts.
When they wrote the phrase “opposites attract,” they had Raffy and DA in mind! That is the very foundation of their marriage. DA comes from a military influenced, working class, 5th generation, Irish American family. Raffy comes from a 1st generation Armenian immigrant family rich with Middle Eastern traditions where food fixes everything, every child must be multilingual and grows up to be a doctor, entrepreneur, lawyer or an engineer!
Having two boys, one in 1994 and another in 1995, were the home runs Raffy had always dreamed of. Providing for his family is the one and only goal of his life! When Raffy and DA realized that they needed to learn about what it means to be twice exceptional (2e) and/or neurodiverse, they decided to dive in headfirst and learn all they could to make a life where ALL could maximize their potential.
The natural progression of the learning process compelled them to put their heads together and come up with a plan to help others navigate the treacherous journeys that all families experience in understanding what it means to be neurodiverse or twice exceptional. Raffy made a bold statement to DA saying, “You go make the difference and I will make the living!”
In 2009 the vision for helping other families began with the thought of helping themselves and meeting a few other families to share their experiences with. Little did they know it would grow into what it is today! They have come to find out that there are over 12 million kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges in North America alone – many still being treated in ways that are inhumane and ineffective. A heart-breaking number of kids are losing their futures simply because their challenges are poorly understood. This view motivated Raffy to do everything he could to support his wife in launching HBCC.
Raffy also enjoys soccer, golf, football, hiking, biking, swimming, reading, family, friends, camping, boating, off-roading, his faith and cooking. He has not met a kitchen appliance that he does not like!
Hillary is an entrepreneur, and her professional background includes interior design, property development and management, as well as philanthropic pursuits.
As a parent of a twice exceptional (2e) child that had behavioral challenges, she began using Collaborative Problem Solving®(CPS) after she and her husband took parenting courses
Hillary is an entrepreneur, and her professional background includes interior design, property development and management, as well as philanthropic pursuits.
As a parent of a twice exceptional (2e) child that had behavioral challenges, she began using Collaborative Problem Solving®(CPS) after she and her husband took parenting courses at HBCC. Their family had tried many things to improve the difficult behaviors in the past without any success. This led her on a journey to become an advocate for the neurodiverse, 2e, and children who learn differently. Hillary is currently working towards becoming certified through Think:Kids to teach other parents about CPS.
Hillary has a flair for networking, an eye for detail, and a strong determination to help other parents of differently wired kids. She resides in Costa Mesa, CA with her husband and son and daughter. Her son attends 2e4Me Academy, which is a CPS based school, where she also serves as a board member and volunteer.
Since 1999, Dr. Diane Lew has supported students with disabilities as a general education teacher, a special education teacher, a district-level special education program coordinator, and a school principal. Through her background and experience, she has gained a thorough knowledge of K-12 standards and curriculum; assessment and data a
Since 1999, Dr. Diane Lew has supported students with disabilities as a general education teacher, a special education teacher, a district-level special education program coordinator, and a school principal. Through her background and experience, she has gained a thorough knowledge of K-12 standards and curriculum; assessment and data analysis; effective classroom management strategies and positive behavior support strategies; development of individualized education plans (IEPs) and 504 accommodations plans; design, management, and revision of behavior support plans; design, procedures and legal aspects of special education; and conflict resolution strategies. Dr. Lew is currently working towards becoming certified through Think:Kids with a solid goal of incorporating CPS into behavior plans.
Dr. Lew possesses a Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, a Level II Education Specialist Instruction Specialist Credential with Autism Authorization, and an Administrative Services Credential. In addition to her bachelor’s degree, she has also earned a master’s degree in educational administration and doctoral degree in educational leadership.
For more than 20 years, Steve has served the greater Orange County area in four prominent roles.
For more than 20 years, Steve has served the greater Orange County area in four prominent roles.
In addition to those roles of service, Steve loves working with organizations that take an evidence-based approach to help families thrive without stress, shouting, or fancy reward systems.
Hence, he joined forces with HBCC because there is a parallel sense of passion for:
1) helping families thrive;
2) a commitment to evidence-based solutions that work!
Steve is Certified in Collaborative Problem Solving®(CPS), an evidence-based approach rooted and established in neuroscience. Research on the CPS approach shows improved parent/child relationships and develops positive skills in children when conventional behavior modification methods have not.
Even more, some of the best evidence from studies
and patient care data demonstrate that CPS produces
a significant reduction in symptoms of Oppositional
Defiance and parental anguish!
Steve is now becoming trained to be a trainer in Collaborative Problem Solving from Think:Kids based at Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston, MA.
Nowadays, he is laser focused on helping HBCC remain purpose-driven and conducting CPS training for parents and professionals at mental health organizations and schools.
When it’s time to play, Steve enjoys surfing and
mountain biking with friends and exploring life in
Southern California. He lives in South Orange County
with his wife and two sons.
Ingrid came to the HBCC Advisory Board with more than 40 years of experience as an early childhood educator and child advocate. She taught preschool for 25 years at St. Margaret’s Episcopal School in San Juan Capistrano and served for many years as a CA Early Childhood Mentor Teacher, supporting student teachers’ practicum experience in h
Ingrid came to the HBCC Advisory Board with more than 40 years of experience as an early childhood educator and child advocate. She taught preschool for 25 years at St. Margaret’s Episcopal School in San Juan Capistrano and served for many years as a CA Early Childhood Mentor Teacher, supporting student teachers’ practicum experience in her classroom. She was a Validator for NAEYC”s (National Association for the Education of Young Children) accreditation process, evaluating early childhood centers in Orange County. In 2015 she was named one of 25 Outstanding Teachers of the Year in Orange County. She served as Pre-School Director at St. Margaret’s for 10 more years, establishing their Outdoor Classroom which was named in her honor when she retired in 2016. She is a member of the LA Episcopal Diocese ‘s Commission on Schools serving on accreditation teams and as acting as a consultant to early childhood programs in the Diocese.
Ingrid has a bachelor’s degree in Drama and master’s degree in Human Development with an Early Childhood Specialization and holds a GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Certificate as well as hundreds of hours of professional growth in the areas of learning styles, special needs, diversity, sensory integration, conflict resolution, brain research, early childhood curriculum and parent education.
As a “busy bee” herself as a child, often in “time-out” at school, she was determined that when she became a teacher, she would be one who celebrated individual differences, sought to understand rather than punish behavior and guide children to be their most confident, curious and happy selves. As an associate professor of Early Childhood Education at Saddleback College for 15 years she helped parents and teachers gain the understanding and skills necessary to do the same. She has led workshops and in-service trainings on positive child guidance strategies for parents and teachers locally, nationally and internationally.
She has been married since 1969 to her college sweetheart and they have two grown sons, both gifted and with learning differences (2e) which gave her a personal as well as professional perspective.
When Ingrid met Debra Ann Afarian and learned about Think:Kids and Collaborative Problem Solving, it was putting a name to her life’s work.
Her hobbies include traveling, antiquing, knitting, reading and watching “Jeopardy"!
We are thrilled to have John Manion join HBCC’s Advisory Board and that he has decided to join our executive team!
John is an Executive Vice President at NAI Capital, and also the Founder and President of The OC Owner User Group. He provides comprehensive commercial real estate services to entrepreneurs that own the buildings they occup
We are thrilled to have John Manion join HBCC’s Advisory Board and that he has decided to join our executive team!
John is an Executive Vice President at NAI Capital, and also the Founder and President of The OC Owner User Group. He provides comprehensive commercial real estate services to entrepreneurs that own the buildings they occupy, and to independent investors that hold commercial investment properties.
John’s talents were critical to HBCC’s acquisition of the Heart 4 Kids Coaching, Training & Therapy Center (H4K) building in historic Old Town Tustin. The building, donated to HBCC in 2016, is on a quaint tree-lined Main Street that is what we now call home.
Prior to assisting with the real estate transaction, John had forged a relationship with the Center’s service providers by receiving coaching to improve his son’s quality of life after his son was diagnosed with ADHD. John’s passion is to help HBCC further it’s mission and vision by fundraising for programs, required capital for maintaining operations and special projects.
Helping the Behaviorally Challenging Child (HBCC) is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation whose mission is to enable children experiencing behavioral health challenges to lead more productive and inclusive lives. We work to transform these children's lives by deepening adults’ understanding of their behaviors, and promoting effective interventions that focus on connectedness, collaboration, and inclusion.
© 2024 Helping the Behaviorally Challenging Child 501(c)(3)
Non-Profit I.D. #46-3240447 - All Rights Reserved.